
Attack of the Squiggle Lee ch1

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Naruto woke to someone slapping his face with a hard object. He toppled out of his bed and onto the floor. The object hit his face again. He reached up and flicked the room lights on. Looking up he saw Hinata.

Hinata hissed when the light came on and dropped the object that she was using to hit Naruto. The blonde looked down and saw a raisen cookie in a plastic baggie.

"You were hitting me with a raisein cookie?"

Hinata hissed and unexpectedly climbed on the wall and then on the ceiling. As Naruto watched her use only her fingers to climb on the wall like some demented form of a girlish Spiderman, a pig ran into his room. As he stared at it, Homer Simpson ran in and started yelling. "Spiderpig come back!! If you want we can make fun of Harry Potter and call you Harry Plopper!!" Suddenly Homer stopped. "Plopper does not sound right when you think about it..." The in some kind of extrodanary feat Peter Griffin from Family guy barreled through Naruto's wall. "WHERE'S THE PIG??!!!" He yelled loudly. He ran after the pig taking a big chunk up of it with his teeth. Pigs blood began to go all over and Naruto began to yell too. As suddenly as they came, they disappered. Naruto looked to see Hinata lapping blood out of a pudde. When he saw her she hissed and crawled out of the window very spiderlike. Naruto stared after her in confusion.

Suddenly something splated on his head. Naruto turned to face the author. "Is splated even a word?" She shrugged. " Don't know, don't care." Naruto looked at his ceiling to see pig mud prints on the ceiling. Then his apartment door banged open again.

"Where is she??!!!" Kiba yelled running in with only a tutu and a bonnet on. He also held a butterfly net. Shino was e=behind him with the same outfit on.

"Where's who?" Naruto asked. Kiba ingnored him and went over to the pool of blood Hinata was drinking out of. He dipped his hand in it and sniffed it. He held his blood covered hand out to Shino. "Worm sign." He said. Naruto looked closer and saw a small wooden sign that said WORM on it in capitial letters.  

Kiba walked over to the window and looked out. "Um....what's happening here?" Naruto asked. Shino spoke up.

"Something has been running around Konoha driving people crazy. It got Neji first and put him in a coma and then it got Hinata who was drivin to beating people to death with a raisen cookie."

"So.....why the tutus?"

"They are extremly comfortable."

Naruto shook his head. "Does anyone know what this thing is?"

Kiba went pale and started to shake. Shino shivered and a roach crawled from under his tutu. "What is it?" He asked again.

"Its only a theory but people thinks it maybe might me the thing we have feared tor years....."

Kiba finished Shino's sentance.

"It's the Squiggle-Lee."
lol the rasien cookie happened to me.

at lunch me InoYamanaka55 started to beat me with a rasien cookie cuz i didn't buy her ramen so yea.......

the demeted hinata comes from the ressess of my mind

peter is (c) to some old guy

so is homer

i don't know about the pig . Pig is (c) to god?

worm sign is (c) to spongebob.

Naruto & friends (c) masashi kishimoto

story(c) to me

squiggle lee (c) to :icongejimayo:
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booknerd121's avatar
Uhh I'm so confused right now